понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

credit rating for ford motor

Majority of women who married a man with a child or a children are facing the challenge of being a good step-mom and win their favor. Wether we like it or not, we will be a part of their lives.�

When I married David my husband two years ago, he has a 13 years old son.� At first, he thought I was just one of his dad girlfriend. But when he found out that his dad and I got married he stepback and gave me a cold treatment. He don't talk to me nor greeted me in the morning. He sees me like an enemy.� Maybe because he still hoping that his dad and his mother will reunite again.� I guess all children hopes the same.�

I knew for the fact that we will be living in same roof for couple more years, I need to do something.� And I remember the old saying "the better way to the man's heart is through their stomach" .� I made my way to find how to make a good food. I have tried different type of recipes I can find in internet.� And I always cook snacks timely when he is about to be home from school and because I know that he is hungry he would definitely want to have something to eat. This idea works with me because, after the first snack we had, it open the doors of our first converstion being a step-mom and step-son. We started to get to know each other and get closer as friend.� Yes, as a friend, one simple word that makes him feel better and took out the barrier between us.� I told him that I cannot replace his mother but I can be his best friend.

From that time on he look forward every meal I make and spend time together talking about everything. Now, we are best of friend. He tells me more about his girlfriend, his school, his plans, what he likes to be in future. I know and I can feel that this young boy now 15 years old loves me for the simple fact that I am not only his step-mom but his best friend.

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chicken cooking tip

Im fasting todayy. Not one bit hungry todayy.
And I hope it stays that wayy. The only thing im worried about is at work we all sit down and eat together :/ so oddly hopefully im too busy to get a break. Im at school now and right after I head into work so no time to eat :)
Anyone wanna join for support? I can txt all day. Haha
Reply for digits.
Cw: 148
Hw: 160
Lw: 130
Ht: 5apos;5
Gw1: 130 (again)
Gw2: 120
Gw3: 110
Ugw: 103

Have a nice dayy.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

australian post office website

Woke up this afternoon. Evening, whatever.

woke up feeling like iapos;d lost something. Idk. I think i dreamt a lot, it tends to happen when i sleep during daylight. I think my body doesnapos;t really know what to do with the combination of being zonked-out-tired and the sun saying apos;it is time to be awake now~~~apos;

anyway. I woke up a lot, with snippets and a haze of dreamland, and i think when i woke up the last time i was coming out of a sad dream. A dream of loss and disappointment and ... Iunno, yearning or something. I know it is silly, itapos;s just a random product of my crazyass subconscious, but i feel kind of unfulfilled.

i wish i had the time over the next week to do something besides just assignment work. Iapos;m feeling that burning desire to sit somewhere in a park and write.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

flat income rate tax

I skimmed the previous posts and did not see a question quite like mine so my apologies if this topic has been done to death (and if youapos;re also getting this from the place I�posted it).

I am currently in the middle of my third semester of the MLIS.� Because Iapos;ve made a point of taking course overloads, I will be done with 31 of 36 hours by December 2008.� My focus is in academic librarianship and Iapos;ve taken some archival coursework as well.� Recently Dream University put out an announcement for two different librarian positions -- electronic resources and archives.� Both positions have a start date next spring and require an MLS.�

Because I wonapos;t have my MLS in hand until May (a month or two after the jobs start), Iapos;ve been hesitant to apply.� The other kicker is that, while I will also have an MA�in history and have several years of experience as a college history instructor, I donapos;t have library experience.� I did work as a computer tech for several years and am currently teaching history classes both online and in a traditional classroom. �

My question then -- is it even worth it for me to apply?� If I had library experience, it might make up for the lack of MLS�in hand and vice versa.� Since I am lacking in both of those things, should I even bother applying?� Does my experience teaching online and working as a computer support tech make up for previous experience in library/electronic resources?� Does my history degree and archival coursework make up for a lack of archives-specific experience?� The other part of my problem is trying to decide which position to seek.�

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

ETA: I belong to SAA, ALA, AHA, a state Museums organization, and a state Archival organization, and have for several years.� My academic/professional references should be really great, my GPAs are high, and I have a crapload of academic and leadership awards from my undergrad.� Is any of that relevant to the job search (read: do I�put it on the CV)?

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controversial topis

Iapos;m thinking Iapos;m afraid of life.
Iapos;m afraid to graduate, and Iapos;m afraid to stay here.

Today Jessica, Evan and I were all talking,
About how we only have a year and a half left of school...
And that scares me.
Iapos;m afraid Iapos;m not doing what I want with the time I have here.
And Iapos;m afraid if I donapos;t leave Iapos;ll be sad forever.
Iapos;m stuck, Iapos;m stuck, Iapos;m stuck.

And Iapos;m also sorry,
If the white-out day shirts are little more depressing then normal
For S.A.D.D week, next week.
But I couldnapos;t stop making up endless possibilities why people didnapos;t get their chance.
Now, If only I could take mine.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

aeris advent

When youapos;re down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
Iapos;ll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All youapos;ve got to do is call
And Iapos;ll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Youapos;ve got a friend

�� Youapos;ve got a friend - james taylor

Gabi te amo
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

copthorn hotel gatwick

Okay. So yeah. My prediction came true. All my Ouran videos are slowly being taken down one by freakinapos; one. Hereapos;s the order so far:

- So In Love with Two
- Stand Out
- Charm Attack
- ......?

Gradually, all my videos will be taken down. I find it hard to believe that the person who owns the music has suddenly come calling on my profile, but whatever.

What do you guys think I should do? Just get a new account or move from YouTube completely?

Also, which video do you guys think will be the next one? Iapos;m thinking either Visualize or Itapos;s Only Love... But I totally called Charm Attack, though. I was so thinking it. (And Iapos;m only being a little sarcastic here... *sad*)

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

driver permit tennessee


Oh ya, before i forget, 4/2 people, the class chalet photos are all up in my facebook.
I canapos;t load them up here, it will take at least a year to do that.
Sorry people if you donapos;t have any facebook acct.
I shall try to load them in my Flickr acct?

Oh, btw, went to watch "House Bunny" the day before during the chalet.
The really bimbo show thatapos;s really good :D
At least it made me laugh non stop, havenapos;t really laugh like that for a long time. XD

Shander came over ytd to bake cookies :D
Ahaaa, it was great to have someone to accompany me
She didnapos;t leave until abt 10 plus :)

So, abt today, Urgh, I hate today.
I stayed at home the whole time, it was freaking boring
I figured out how many metres of cloth is needed for all the curtains in my house
Random thought though.
I think the tv in the living room is not too big not too small, but the one in my room looks weird.
I think my room really had a makeover. Like a facelift kinda thing.
Haha, looks better now.
Oh god, Iapos;m crapping.

Whatever, anyways, Mumapos;s coming back tml
Oh I canapos;t wait, cause I WANNA GO OUT
Like even if itapos;s the last day, i stil wanna go out
Itapos;s so freaking boring to stay at home
Iapos;ve watched almost all the movies I have, alone.
Even talked to myself to sleep almost every night, cause no one is free to talk to me on the phone. ):

I totally wasted the 2 weeks of my holidays man.
Itapos;s gonna end soon, cause Iapos;ll be back to sch frm next week on. BAH.
Shander are you free on Saturday?

PS* Thanks for the songs Ridzuan :D

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We had a surgical lab today that was a hoot.� My group of 3 people, who worked great together last spring, has stayed together this semester and we had our first lab today.� We each got to do one of 3 required procedures, gastrotomy, resection and anastimosis, and a cystotomy, plus we could do other things if we wanted.� I did the gastrotomy, and a spay.� Michelle and Eb did the other two.� Then our dog was used to demonstrate to several groups a right lateral thoracotomy.� We each got to put our hand in there and hold a beating heart.� What could be cooler????� Then the heart was send into fibrillation and once again we all got to feel this in our hand.� Our sweet little dog was not allowed to have this go on for long and was soon euthanized.� Her uterus was saved to be looked at by some study group, as was her pancrease.� Her limbs will also be harvested to be used in other labs for us.� All in all a pretty impressive lab.

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