понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

credit rating for ford motor

Majority of women who married a man with a child or a children are facing the challenge of being a good step-mom and win their favor. Wether we like it or not, we will be a part of their lives.�

When I married David my husband two years ago, he has a 13 years old son.� At first, he thought I was just one of his dad girlfriend. But when he found out that his dad and I got married he stepback and gave me a cold treatment. He don't talk to me nor greeted me in the morning. He sees me like an enemy.� Maybe because he still hoping that his dad and his mother will reunite again.� I guess all children hopes the same.�

I knew for the fact that we will be living in same roof for couple more years, I need to do something.� And I remember the old saying "the better way to the man's heart is through their stomach" .� I made my way to find how to make a good food. I have tried different type of recipes I can find in internet.� And I always cook snacks timely when he is about to be home from school and because I know that he is hungry he would definitely want to have something to eat. This idea works with me because, after the first snack we had, it open the doors of our first converstion being a step-mom and step-son. We started to get to know each other and get closer as friend.� Yes, as a friend, one simple word that makes him feel better and took out the barrier between us.� I told him that I cannot replace his mother but I can be his best friend.

From that time on he look forward every meal I make and spend time together talking about everything. Now, we are best of friend. He tells me more about his girlfriend, his school, his plans, what he likes to be in future. I know and I can feel that this young boy now 15 years old loves me for the simple fact that I am not only his step-mom but his best friend.

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